Tuesday, May 11, 2010

We get what we vote for.

The Left will continue to try to paint the Tea Partiers as racist nuts. So in November the Independents will have to choose between "racists" who are opposed to affirmative action and "socialists" who want to seize and redistribute their wealth.

If this were a free country. Which it isn't. And if we believed that a person has a right to do with his property whatever he wants. Which we don't. And if we realized that all the civil rights anybody needs was written in the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. Which we don't. Then a guy who runs his own business on his own property should be able to either deal or not deal with whoever he wants on that property. But we obviously don't believe that either. Welcome to the USSA

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Why did the Democrats lose Massachusetts?

Obama's first year: What went wrong. Let me count the ways:

Transforming America to a socialist state, Apology Tour, Kowtowing to dictators, Closing Gitmo, Stimulus, TARP, Card Check, Climate Gate, Copenhagen I, Nobel Peace Prize, The Cambridge Police acted stupidly, 4 months to make a troop decision, Ft Hood Massacre, Christmas Bomber, CZARS, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, Tax Cheats, Daschle, Geithner, Rangle, Health Care takeover, Hidden meaning, Hating on Tea Parties people, Blue Pill, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, Wasserman, Chris Dodd - Countrywide, Raising Debt Ceiling, 14 Trillion dollar deficit, removing missle sheild, insulting our allies, ignoring the people of Iran, stupidly naive foreign policy, bowing to dictators, teleprompter, withholding info about Qom nuclear site, Copenghagen II, Buying votes for healthcare bill, special exemptions for Unions, Mao Christmas ornaments, bitter clingers, If you don't like my policies you are a racist. Supreme Court needs "empathy", Andy Stern, I have more but I'm getting a head ache.